Your escape bag checklist
How to use the escape bag
Select the down arrow for each section, and click on the items you wish to appear in your list.
When you have completed all the sections you want to, you can choose to print or save the list.
Depending on your browser you can print to a connected printer, save as a PDF or save to a cloud or virtual account.
- Chrome - Click on the 3 dots in the top right hand corner, select print.
- Safari - Choose file > print.
- Edge - Select Settings, select print.
- Internet Explorer - Click on the cog in the top right hand corner, select print.
You might consider taking screen shots of your checklist if you are on a phone or tablet.
Only download, print or screen shot the checklist if you know that no-one else will be able to see it. Learn more about device safety.
Once you close this page, the details will not be recorded or saved on our website. If you are using a public computer, remember to log out before you leave.
These are the things you might need to use every day. If you want to add something that's not on the list, click on the 'Add item' button and enter your own text. You can add 'charger' to the list if you are taking a mobile phone or other electronic device.
Personal items
Photocopies of important documents
Mobile phone
Phone charger
Add something else
These could be important cards that have your name and address on them, like a drivers licence or Health Care Card. It's a good idea to leave a photocopy of these cards with your support person too.
Drivers licence
Birth certificate
Visa information
Health care cards
Pension cards
Other identification cards
Add something else
If you have children, it’s a good idea to pack a toy or something that is comforting for them. Birth certificates and other important documents are useful too, or consider taking a photocopy.
Toys for Children
Health Records
Prescription Medication
Add something else
This could include medicine, prescriptions or information from your doctor. Medicare cards and medical records may be useful if you need to visit a health service. Keep a note of contact details for any health service you may already be seeing.
Medicare Card
Health Records
Prescription Medication
Add something else
This is anything relating to money, like bank cards, child support information or rental agreements. You might need information about things you own and things that are shared with another person.
Bank Cards
Child Support Information
Rental Agreement
Utility Card
Add something else
These are things to do with the law and might include marriage or divorce papers or any court orders that are in place. If you have records of police or other legal matters take these, or a copy, too.
Court Orders
Protection Orders
Marriage Papers
Family Violence Provision - supporting documents
Divorce Papers
Police Records
Add something else
These are the valuable things you own, like a house, a car or jewellery. If you own things with another person you may want to keep a record of these with you. Photos of valuable things can be useful too.
Car Registration
Car Insurance
Mortgage Documents
Rates Notice
Photos of Jewellery or Dowry
Add something else
Evidence is a record of things that have happened. You can also take copies of text messages, emails and other types of abuse.
Diary of Incidents
Record of Text Messages
Record of Emails
Evidence of Cyber Abuse
Evidence of Emotional Abuse
Add something else
There are many services that can support you if you decide to leave a violent relationship. Visit the services & support map for more information. You can also download the Daisy app to your phone. Click the box below these services to add contact details.
Domestic and family violence services
Sexual assault services
Legal services
Refuge and crisis accommodation services
Translation and Interpretation
Add something else
These are your friends and other support people, you can type in their details and then click the ‘Add contact’ button to save it to your checklist. Click anywhere on the box to change the details or the to delete the contact from your list.